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Weekend Reading on Women's Representation November 30, 2018


Good evening friends! 

This week’s missive will be a photo essay of sorts & an invitation! I am on the Pacific coast meeting with election reform advocates. The room is filled with mostly men who have gathered in this beautiful spot to discuss the voting system reforms that are electing more women to office in the US & around the globe.



After a day filled with reforms proposals we gathered for a Ranked Choice Voting beer election in which civility, integrity & diverse candidates were all in play!


While my candidate- the chocolate stout - did not win, I felt my vote really counted! 

So here is the invitation. The electoral reform world needs more women’s voices. Women are needed as advocates, as experts, and as funders of these systems reforms that are gaining traction & electing more women across the ideological spectrum & across the nation.

I’m excited to work with more of you on these reforms that pave the way for enduring progress toward parity.

Mark your calendars for the Unrig summit on March 29th in Nashville that will be a great opportunity for women’s representationadvocates to engage with voting system reformers. 

All the best,



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