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We're excited to announce that registration for the fourth annual Democracy Solutions Summit is now OPEN! Click the button below to register today, and be sure to check the boxes for all three days so you don't miss out on this incredible event!

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Check back soon for announcements of our topics and speaker lineup for this year. Follow our social media pages to be the first to hear about updates on the #2025DSS.

Explore the 2024 Democracy Solutions Summit and the previous years' Summits below!



Thank you so much to all who joined our third annual Democracy Solutions Summit, which took place on March 5-7, 2024. 


Couldn't make it? Check out the recordings here:

Day One: The State of Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked choice voting is the fastest-growing election reform in the nation and, with two statewide and several municipal ballot measures happening this year, 2024 is the biggest year yet for ranked choice voting. Day one of the 2024 Democracy Solutions Summit brought to the table the women who have been, and continue to be, vital to this work. From US Senators to top women philanthropists to grassroots campaign leaders, we heard all about the state of ranked choice voting. 

Day Two: Madam President - Strategies to Elect our First Woman President

Despite women breaking barriers every year since the beginning of time, some nations, including the United States, still have never had a woman head of state. Day two was dedicated to hearing from women themselves about what it's like to run for higher office in the United States, what barriers women face, and what solutions could remedy those barriers. We discussed how ranked choice voting for presidential primaries levels the playing field for women candidates, as well as address the ambition myth, innovations in violence against women in politics, and how legislative pay could greatly reduce barriers for women to serve in higher office.

Day Three: Shifting the Paradigms of Power - A Global Movement

Now more than ever, people around the world are challenging the status quo and demanding a new way of governing that doesn't involve binary choices, zero-sum thinking, and aggressive competition. In celebration of International Women's Day, the third and final day of the Democracy Solutions Summit focused on women's leadership around the world. We heard from international women politicians, advocates, and thought leaders who are doing the work and having an impact. We heard about both electoral and non-electoral strategies that have proven to level the playing field for women to run and serve. We also heard from women leaders about real-life initiatives that are shifting the paradigms of power and crafting new and improved ways of governing. What a great opportunity to learn from our global neighbors and think through how we might adapt these strategies for the US context.


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