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Courtney Lamendola-Research Director

Courtney Lamendola (she/her) is the Director of Research at RepresentWomen. As an inaugural member of the RepresentWomen team, Courtney co-led the development of RepresentWomen's strategic plan, launched the internship program, and has overseen the release of 36 reports and briefs. Some of her recent work includes Why Women Won in 2021 (2022), The Twin-Track Ecosystem in the 100 Largest Cities (2022), a peer-reviewed article on women's representation in RCV cities (2021), and RepresentWomen's Gender Parity Index (2019-2023).

Though now based in DC, Courtney was born and raised on Long Island. Before joining RepresentWomen, Courtney earned an M.A. in International Relations and Economics from Johns Hopkins University SAIS (Bologna-DC) and a B.A. in Political Science from Providence College, Rhode Island.