The Solutions Summit culminated in the creation of a resource guide of take-action items that were identified throughout the course of the Summit. The guide includes suggestions of practical ways to help combat systemic representation inequalities in politics, links to sign up for volunteering and advocacy efforts, and a variety of further readings and resources to take the next step in learning about the various issues discussed at the summit. Additionally, it highlights the female changemakers who spoke about each issue at the summit and provides links to further background about each speaker.
The resource guide embodies RepresentWomen’s mission of taking action to advance solutions that build women’s political power and create a 21st-century democracy. It was created to provide convenient access to tangible, effective steps that anyone can take to learn about the systemic barriers barring women from full and meaningful participation in US politics, and it is all you need to jump in and be a part of the solution.
These election officials back in 2020 debunked lies, myths and conspiracy theories about a presidential election that ultimately was deemed the most secure in U.S. history. Secretaries of state of both parties were subject to harassment for addressing disinformation (misleading information that is intentionally designed to cause harm to people) and misinformation (misleading information that is shared because a person truly believes it).
But for the women secretaries of state serving in key battleground states — many of whom are Democrats — the work of combating inaccurate information made them targets for misogynistic harassment and threats of violence. In the lead-up to the nation’s next major election this year, some of these women secretaries say the harassment has not let up as they devote even more time to combating misinformation.
Early results show Palin about 10 percentage points ahead of Republican challenger Nick Begich III, a sizable lead in the hotly contested race. However, the outcome could still change significantly as only 54 percent of votes have been counted, and the Associated Press has yet to call any winners. Alaska is not expected to release any more vote totals until Wednesday.
The top four finishers, regardless of party affiliation, will advance from the primary and face off on Aug. 16. The winner of that ranked-choice election will serve out the remainder of Young’s term.
In all honesty, though, it may not matter much who snags the fourth slot. When it comes to the general election, the candidate with the fewest first-place votes will be eliminated and their support redistributed to the candidates their voters ranked second. So unless the complexion of the race changes drastically during the next two months, the fourth-place finisher on Saturday will probably be the first to be eliminated in August. After all, that’s what the Alaska Survey Research poll found, no matter whether Sweeney, Constant, Peltola or Claus was the fourth contender.
Moreover, in each scenario, it was Begich who emerged victorious after all the ranked-choice voting rounds were complete. This is certainly not guaranteed to be the case after two months’ of campaigning, but as a starting point, it makes sense: Among the three front-runners, Begich is the ideologically middle choice. If Palin is eliminated second, most of her support is likely to go to fellow Republican Begich, not Gross. And if Gross is eliminated second, most of his support is likely to go to Begich, not Palin.
Again, the outcome of this special election is still far from certain, but it at least looks possible that this is one election where ranked-choice voting could make a material difference. Based on her high profile, Palin may well finish the primary in first place. Under the old system (and the one that most other states use), this would have made her the Republican nominee, and in a red state like Alaska, she likely would have won the general election against whoever Democrats nominated — despite her unpopularity. But the Alaska system prevents her from winning with just a plurality of the vote and ensures that the winner is someone who can (eventually) earn majority support. That probably won’t be Palin.
Many have reflected on the impact of the women’s vote in this election – and yes, women have spoken. Regardless of politics, we should take this moment to celebrate the election of strong, diverse women into our parliament to represent communities around the country.
For the first time in the Australian parliament, women represent almost 40 per cent of the House of Representatives, and at least half of the Senate, with more representatives from First Nations and diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds than ever before. It is also pleasing to see the strong representation of women in the shadow cabinet.
CEW has long advocated for higher women’s representation at decision-making tables across the country. This year, we issued an election policy platform for the first time. We called for a gender-balanced cabinet as one of our five priority asks.
Focusing on the issues targets or quotas are meant to address including the failings of merit, unconscious bias, and slow cultural change, we look at global research and back to our 2019 paper – The Long Game – Building a diverse talent pipeline.
Global data supports legislated quotas in bringing more qualified women into politics and corporate boards without the much-opined disasters. However, we see little gender trickle down into executive ranks. Unsurprisingly, quotas are only part of a comprehensive plan to drive culture change towards a pipeline of diverse and inclusive future leaders. Whilst quotas maybe a blunt tool often tainted by negative sentiment, to ignore them leaves us open to criticism that we aren’t doing enough, fast enough. The choice is ours.
However, according to statistics, women are under-represented at all levels of decision-making worldwide, thus making achieving gender parity in political life a dead dream.
There is growing recognition of the untapped capacity and talents of women and women’s leadership.....
Women’s participation in politics helps advance gender equality and affects both the range of policy issues that get considered and the types of solutions that are proposed.
In the Philippines, the bakla, who transcend the duality between men and women, have been historically renowned as leaders. “More man than man, more woman than woman,” the bakla are seen as a third gender and regarded as one of the most visible and celebrated LGBTQ+ cultures in Asia.
In the United States, Native Americans have long embraced two-spirit people, who identify as having both feminine and masculine spirits. In fact, more than 150 different Native American tribes acknowledge third genders in their communities.
Advertisers scoffed at the idea of paying money to appear in its pages. The magazine was banned from some libraries, and some distributors refused to sell it on newsstands. At least one prominent male journalist snarked that the women would “run out of things to say.” Even President Richard Nixon thought it was preposterous — wondering, in a conversation with Henry Kissinger, how many people “give one shit” about Gloria Steinem’s feminist magazine.
The answer turned out to be millions. The magazine’s preview issue sold out in eight days and yielded at least 20,000 letters in response.
Ms. has faced its share of controversies over the years. The magazine was criticized as too radical but also not radical enough. There were jealousies and disagreements. Was Ms. doing enough for lesbians? For women of color? For rural women? Alice Walker — who would express her own controversial positions later in her life, including some considered to be antisemitic — resigned in 1986, dismayed by how white the magazine’s covers had become. (She would later return as a contributor.)
But for all its controversies — or perhaps because of them — those young issues of Ms. have never felt more prescient. Last month, The Times convened a handful of early Ms. editors and writers to reflect on the magazine’s founding and where the feminist movement is today. This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.