Dear friends of gender parity,
It's a busy time of year for all of us so I thought I would send along a couple videos to watch:
The first video from Now This entitled: A United Nations Report Shows the U.S. is Failing Women At All Levels, is a sobering reminder of the many challenges we face as we begin our work together in the new year.
There was also this good Huffington Post piece this week on the same topic.
And this great video just in from the Institute for Women's Policy Research on their work on the Status of Women in the States.
A shoutout to SheShouldRun on their great event in DC this last week, to VoteRunLead on their terrific #FillTheRoom social media campaign, and Presidential Gender Watch a joint project of the Center for American Women & Politics and the Barbara Lee Family Foundation which is a great resource for tracking the impact of gender on the presidential race.
As always, if you have material you would like to share please send it along and I will share it with the group in early January.
Many thanks,
P.S. For those of you looking for reading material, this link caught my eye.