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Take Action



RepresentWomen’s inaugural Solutions Summit brought together experts in the fields of voting rights, democracy reform, and election administration to advocate for meaningful, innovative solutions to the issues facing our democracy today. 

Our inspiring panelists and speakers highlighted some of the many ways YOU can Take Action today to help upgrade our democracy into the 21st century! Check out recordings from each day along with the steps you can take.

Day Two experts discussed the National Popular Vote, the reauthorization of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and addressing unique barriers that specific marginalized groups face (e.g., Native populations, young voters, non-native English speakers, etc.) as solutions to protect voting rights of all Americans.

WATCH: Solutions Summit Day 2: Fair Access | [Click here to watch the video on our Youtube channel or watch below]

READ: the transcript here

Take Action Steps

A plain text version of these Take Action resources is available.

Write your state legislators asking them to support electing the President by National Popular Vote  

Share AAPIs' experiences with voting and get the word out that the fight for voting rights includes and impacts our communities using APIAVote’s social media toolkit. Also, check your voter registration status here.

Nominate a Native leader to run for office.

Sign up to be an election protection monitor with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund or your state's Election Protection Coalition! OR sign up to be a Poll Worker or Election Judge if you are able to!


This is just the beginning! Check back for an in-depth Solutions Summit Take Action Resource Guide, coming soon. 



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