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Partners can be distinguished from Allies in that Partners are seeking a deeper, more formal partnership (e.g., an MOU) with RepresentWomen. Partners are organizations or individuals who are active in improving representation and advancing democracy reform, particularly ranked choice voting and/or Fair Representation Voting, in their localities.

RepresentWomen can provide Partners with tailored resources and tools, collaboration on research projects, access to RepresentWomen’s networks and media outlets, collaboration on events, etc. 

Research and Resources

  • As much as possible, we can help with state and/or city-specific research requests 
    • E.g., “Could you please dig into the San Bernardino, CA data for what type of gender gap there is for women and women of color elected to office in San Bernardino?”
  • Provide full access to our Toolkits, which include key resources and graphics related to our Signature Solutions and representation (e.g., RCV, gender-balanced PAC funding targets, legislative rules changes, etc.)
  • Use our data to design and create tailored resources (e.g., data visualizations, 1-pagers, data-based social media graphics, etc. ) for your state context 

Communications Strategies

  • Op-eds, blogs, and other published pieces:
    • Co-authoring
    • Publishing your pieces through our publication networks (e.g., Ms. Magazine, The Fulcrum, DemocracySOS, Bridge Alliance media partnerships, etc.)
  • Collaborate on production of print, online, and other content that explains the connection between democracy reform (e.g., RCV, gender balanced PAC funding targets, legislative rules changes, etc.) and improved representation of women and women of color 

Informing Decision-makers

  • Provide expert testimony in legislation hearings
  • Provide policy briefs
  • Provide legislative or rule language
  • Speak at webinars, meetings, trainings, etc. for legislators, election officials, committees, etc. 

Outreach and Relationship-building

  • Help create linkages and build partnerships between democracy reform organizations and the women’s representation community to increase support and strengthen impact
  • Seek out opportunities to speak in forums and mention/uplift/promote participation in your activities
  • Seek opportunities for you to join in panels, events, discussion, etc.
  • Participate in your webinars or events on how your reform affects representation of women

Contact Us About Forming a Partnership