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Dashboard: GPI Scores 2013-2023 GPI History 2014 - 2023858955no0border:none;allowfullscreen


In August 2013, RepresentWomen launched the Gender Parity Index (GPI) to help researchers and advocates track progress toward gender-balanced governance and identify opportunities for increasing women’s political representation in the U.S. Each year, we assign all 50 states a Gender Parity Score, letter grade, and ranking according to their proximity to parity. One of the key takeaways from this exercise is that progress toward gender balance is slower and less stable than it first appears. 

In the first Gender Parity Index, 40 states earned a “D” grade (< 25.0) or worse (< 10.0); the remaining ten states were split evenly between “Cs” (< 33.0) and “Bs” (< 50.0), and no state achieved an “A” (50.0 and above). Ten years later, Maine and Oregon have both achieved an “A” for the first time, 24 states are split evenly between “Bs” and “Cs,” 23 states have earned a “D,” and Louisiana is the only failing state. 

In addition to releasing the 2023 Gender Parity Index, we have updated our GPI Score Dashboard to show how state scores have changed over time. This dashboard is an interactive tool. Click on the arrows or drop-down menu to navigate between each Gender Parity Map. Click on your state on the 2023 map to learn more about your state's score.  

2023 Report 2023 Methodology 2023 Score Table 2023 State Pages 2013-2023 Dashboard