Event Description
Event Description
Fair Access: The Electoral College, Voting Rights & the Legacy of Lani Guinier
Experts will discuss the importance of protecting the voting rights of all Americans, of ensuring access to the ballot to those marginalized by our current system, and challenges related to the electoral college. Experts will examine solutions such as the National Popular Vote, the reauthorization of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, electronic voting, and reasonable accommodation for those with specific needs (including language translation). The day will end with actionable takeaways so that participants will know exactly how to help advance these solutions.
Discussion of the existing challenges related to fair access to establish a foundational understanding of the issues we are trying to solve. Here audience members will gain a solid understanding of the barriers in our current system.
Time: 3:00 - 3:15 pm
Speakers: Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernandez, Justice Anita Earls, Donna Brazile
"The National Popular Vote"
A live one-on-one conversation between two widely respected women experts on the National Popular Vote as a solution to some of our current challenges related to elections and voting processes. Here audience members will learn about viable, scalable, and transformative solutions directly from the experts themselves.
Time: 3:15 - 3:40 pm
Speakers: Secretary Shemia Fagan, Secretary Jena Griswold, Eileen Reavey
"Reauthorization of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act"
A live conversation between two to three widely respected women experts on the reauthorization of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act as a solution to some of our current challenges related to inequitable access to voting rights. Here audience members will learn about viable, scalable, and transformative solutions directly from the experts themselves.
Time: 3:40 - 4:00 pm
Speakers: Arielle McTootle, Nicole Austin-Hillery, Sabrina Khan, Yael Bromberg
Solutions Panel
Live panel discussion between three to five “on-the-ground” experts that will share their experience in working to advance equal access to voting rights and participation for all people at the local, state, and national levels. Here audience members will learn about tangible action steps they can take to join us in advancing these viable, scalable, and transformative solutions.
Time: 4:00 - 4:50 pm
Moderator: Roxanne Szal
Speakers: Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins, Anathea Chino, Christine Chen, Christina Das, Ava Mateo